Ocean Safety, whose expertise is normally associated with supplying and advising on life saving equipment for activities on the water, have generously donated social distancing signage to a number of yacht clubs closely associated to the company’s offices around the UK.
The social distancing signage is for use inside and outside club premises to assist them with reopening in accordance with government guidelines. The consignment includes a selection of informational and instructional signs, which are helping club members to follow each club’s safe working guidance.
The Royal Southern Yacht Club in Hamble, Lymington Town Sailing Club and Royal Lymington Yacht Club, all close to the company’s Southampton headquarters, are benefitting from the donation, along with the Royal Western Yacht Club, close to Ocean Safety’s Plymouth branch. The clubs, which are all delighted to be open once again, are welcoming their members back while making sure that they are following the social distancing rules that are being adhered to in public places across the country.
Becky Marsh, Events Manager at the Royal Southern Yacht Club comments: “Huge thanks go to Ocean Safety for getting in touch and offering to assist us with our re-opening by providing social distancing signage. The signs are bright and eye catching which has proved incredibly useful over the past weekend.”
Meanwhile Kirsty Husband, General Manager at the Royal Lymington Yacht Club agrees: “It’s great to be able to open up our club again knowing that signage is one less thing to worry about!”
“We are pleased to have been able to help the clubs out during this challenging time,” says Alistair Hackett of Ocean Safety. “We’ve worked together with these and many other clubs over the years, providing sponsorship and prizes, safety talks and all types of joint activities so this is just another, albeit unprecedented, chapter in our ongoing relationship.”